7 Food Options To Control Hormonal Imbalance In Females

7 Food Options To Control Hormonal Imbalance In Females


Hormones are the most essential chemicals of our body that maintain various functions of the body by carrying important messages to tissues, organs, muscles, and skin. It is not only responsible for stable metabolism, mood, growth, and development but also plays a vital role in reproduction and sexual function. 

One of the major complications that can arise due to hormonal imbalance is infertility. The diseases such as diabetes, anovulation, PCOS, obesity, and thyroid are caused by hormonal imbalances which can directly or indirectly interfere with fertility. If you’re facing issues with conceiving a baby and any of these hormone-related conditions then you must contact one of the best IVF doctors in Kurseong

Here are some of the food options that are best for restoring hormonal balance. 

1. Almonds

 Almond is one of the best foods to attain hormonal balance because it is rich in protein, healthy fat, and fibre. This super-food helps in regulating hormones that contribute to managing the blood sugar levels which eventually reduces the chances of diabetes. Moderate amount of almonds also reduces bad cholesterol and controlling these issues raises the chances of fertility. 

2. Legumes 

You must also include legumes such as soy, lentils, and chickpeas in your diet for proper hormone regulation. Legumes are found to be rich in magnesium which contributes to regulating our nervous system and insulin levels. It is also helpful in controlling the distressing symptoms of postmenstrual syndrome and also reduces PCOS. 

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is the best cruciferous vegetable that can be included in your daily diet for balancing the system and hormone detoxification. The liver function is also uplifted by this nutritious vegetable because of the presence of a beneficial phytochemical named Indole-3-carbinol. Hormonal regulation and liver health assist in proper metabolic processes, which then keep the body fertile and healthy. 

4. Flaxseed

Estrogen is the main hormone that contributes the most to the ovulation period. The cervical mucus is also thinned by this essential hormone to make it easier for the sperm to swim towards the eggs. Proper regulation of this hormone can be maintained by adding flaxseed to your diet.  

5. Blueberries

Blueberries are considered a highly nutritious fruit because of their antioxidant properties. Regular intake of this fruit can contribute to hormonal balance especially during your menstrual cycle since it is also rich in magnesium. Blueberries can also play an active role in preventing urinary tract infections.  

6. Green Tea 

Increased stress hormones such as cortisol can increase the risks of infertility among women. Green tea is a proven food that hugely decreases the cortisol hormones because it is rich in theanine. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties present in green tea also make it a perfect food to bring back hormonal balance. 

7. Apples  

Apples are rich in antioxidants and quercetin which makes it a great fruit to reduce the chances of cancer, viral infections, inflammation, and high blood pressure. This fruit is also low in calories which make it ideal for people who are willing to reduce their weight because obesity can be a contributing factor in infertility. 

You must book an appointment with any of the experienced IVF doctors in Kurseong if you are willing to conceive a baby and suffer from hormonal imbalance. The doctor may prescribe you some medications or recommend natural ways to restore hormonal balance such as lowering sugar intake, improving gut health, and maintaining body weight. 

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