Causes And Treatments Of Female Infertility

Causes And Treatments Of Female Infertility


Female infertility is a common condition that affects a large portion of females all around the world. It is the inability of a woman to get pregnant and have a successful pregnancy. Female infertility is the cause of about one-third of all the infertility problems faced by couples around the world and its causes can be difficult to diagnose.

It is a common problem with about 10% of all women facing an infertility issue of some kind and the chances of being infertile increase as the women age. It is diagnosed when a woman has been unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant for more than a year and although it is a serious problem there are many treatment options available for infertility.

What Causes Female Infertility 

There are many causes of female infertility and its cause can depend on many factors. It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause as in some cases couples can have unexplained infertility or infertility with multiple causes. Some of the problems that can cause infertility are as follows:

  • Uterus problems – or problems that affect the uterus including polyps, septums, fibroids, or adhesions inside the cavity of the uterus. Problems like fibroids can form on their own and can be present at birth.
  • Ovulation problems – can cause infertility as it affects the process of egg release. Some of the factors that can cause problems with ovulation can include hormonal imbalance, eating disorders, substance abuse, thyroid conditions, severe stress, and more.  
  • Problems with fallopian tubes – cause infertility and the most common cause of tubal factor infertility is a pelvic inflammatory disease which is commonly caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia.
  • Problems with egg number – as the number and the quality of eggs can decrease with age experiencing problems with it can cause infertility. Sometimes eggs can have the wrong number of chromosomes which can cause problems with fertilization and the growth of the fetus.

Symptoms of Female Infertility 

The main symptom of female infertility is the inability of women to get pregnant even after trying for a year. Other symptoms can include a menstrual cycle that’s too long which is more than 35 days or too short which is 21 days or less as the irregular or absent menstrual cycle can be a sign of problems with ovulation.

Treatments for Female Infertility

The right treatment for female infertility can be provided only after proper diagnosis which helps determine the cause of this problem. Depending on the cause of infertility it can be treated using surgery for structural problems and hormonal medications for other conditions. Some patients can require artificial insemination or in vitro insemination while adoption or surrogacy can also be an option.

For more queries you can always consult with the best Fertility Specialist in Siliguri

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