Food Choices To Avoid For Fertility Wellbeing

Food Choices To Avoid For Fertility Wellbeing


Bad food choices can put ovulation at risk or can be a significant cause of poor sperm health. Many couples try to achieve pregnancy but fail to attain it. A number of health conditions can result in it. But have you ever wondered about food items being the underlying reason for fertility concerns? Yes, they can be.

Men and women are both likely to get infertility. Wise to consult your specialist if you’re trying to conceive but cannot. Doctors examine your health through a physical exam, lab tests, or further clinical procedures. Besides tests and treatments, doctors also recommend looking after diet and lifestyle.

Here’s a list of foods that are likely to affect fertility:

·        Processed meats. As the name implies, processed meats mean these are preserved by salting, using chemical additives, or smoking. Since processed meats tend to contain higher concentrations of sodium, they may lead to high blood pressure.

They also have a higher amount of trans fats and saturated fats. Other risks they may include are heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and infertility. As per various studies, processed meats are associated with lower sperm quality and ovulatory dysfunction.

·        Sugar & refined carbohydrates. Sugary food items can interfere with blood sugar levels and insulin hormones. Too much consumption of such food items can affect egg quality and might be responsible for lower semen quality.

Limit or avoid food items with added sugar or refined carbs, like cookies, ice cream, sweet roll pastries, cakes, pies, candies. Refined carbohydrates (found in white flour, white bread, breakfast cereals, white rice, sodas, snacks/added sugar can increase the likelihood of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, hormonal imbalance, et al.

·        Caffeinated beverage. Coffee is one of the most-loved beverages worldwide. Some people start their day with a cup of coffee; some take coffee at night or any time of the day. Caffeine contains addictive properties, therefore, leading to dependency.

Exposure to systematic or increased amounts of coffee intake might play havoc with fertility. Drinking excessive amounts of coffee (300 mg-600mg per day) may impair the production of estrogen, which in turn can affect ovulation. Limit your caffeine intake.

·        Mercury-rich fish. Many people are fond of fish. But when it comes to mercury-rich fish, there is a problem. Mercury is a heavy metal found in some fish like swordfish, cod, bigeye tuna, canned tuna, marlin, crabs salmon, shrimp, oysters.

Exposure to higher levels of mercury might put you at risk of brain problems, reduced motor skills, heart attacks, infertility. From sperm motility, sperm count, sperm quality, ejaculation, to male libido, it can affect all these. Female fertility, estrogen levels, and premature ovary syndrome are also associated with mercury-rich fish consumption. Hence, it's time to modify diet plans.

For more queries you can always consult with the best Fertility Specialist in Siliguri.

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