How Does A Transvaginal Sonography (TVS) Test Help

How Does A Transvaginal Sonography (TVS) Test Help


A transvaginal ultrasound or transvaginal sonography also referred to in short as a TVS test, helps in observing a woman’s internal reproductive organs such as ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and the entire pelvic region. Many things can be diagnosed via a TVS test. The term transvaginal means inside or within the vagina. This test is applicable for women who are in their sexually active years or women who are pregnant.

When Is A Transvaginal Sonography Test Required

Any kind of abnormalities associated with a woman’s reproductive system requires her to undergo a transvaginal sonography (TVS) test. Following are the symptoms that might need a woman to take a TVS test:

●     Abnormal bleeding from the vagina

●     Abnormal and consistent pelvic pain

●     Pelvic or abdominal examination producing unusual results

●     When the woman suffers from issues with fertility

●     When the woman has an ectopic pregnancy (the fetus gets placed outside the woman’s uterus, typically in one of her fallopian tubes)

●     When the doctor checks for cysts or uterine fibroids

●     When the woman has suffered from multiple miscarriages before

●     When the woman’s cervix needs to be checked for miscarriage or premature delivery

●     When the doctor needs to check whether an IUD is placed properly inside a woman’s uterus

●     When the heartbeat of the fetus needs to be monitored

●     When the woman has an early pregnancy

How Is A TVS Procedure Conducted

In the TVS procedure, an ultrasound probe is placed by the doctor inside the woman’s vagina and inserted gradually within. The insertion procedure should be slow and gentle. When the probe is gently moved after being inserted, it sends sound waves reflected from the internal reproductive organs whose images are formed on a computer, referred to in medical terminologies as a sonogram.

The transvaginal sonography may be performed either during the woman’s regular days of the month or during her monthly menstrual cycle. If the woman is on per period or spotting, she will be required to remove any pad, cup, or tampon that she is wearing before the test gets conducted.

The probe is placed inside a vagina to check for any kind of anomalies. The woman must let the doctor know whenever she faces any kind of discomfort with the insertion of the probe inside her private part. The doctor or nurses who are working with the doctor will let the woman know if a full bladder is needed to get the TVS test done so that she can take the requisite amount of water before the test and get her bladder full.

Any of the following results can be seen after the woman undergoes TVS:

●     Cancer in the reproductive organs

●     Growth of cysts in the woman’s reproductive organs

●     Growth of fibroids in the woman’s reproductive organs

●     Presence of a pelvic infection

●     An ectopic pregnancy

●     Probabilities of miscarriage

Hence, it can be seen that a lot of causalities can be detected via a TVS test. Early detection of an anomaly can save a woman’s life.

For more queries you can always consult with the best Fertility Specialist in Siliguri.

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