Purpose And Procedure Of LASER Assisted Hatching In IVF

Purpose And Procedure Of LASER Assisted Hatching In IVF


IVF is the most effective treatment that most infertile patients undertake to get a successful pregnancy. Herein, you must remember that a fertilized egg is not enough for a guaranteed pregnancy, as the transferred embryo also needs to be implanted in the uterus wall to make the pregnancy a success. 

The chances of failed embryo hatching and implantation can be reduced by including the step of laser-assisted hatching (LAH) in the IVF procedure. If you’re taking the help of an IVF procedure to get pregnant, then you can consult the infertility doctor regarding your eligibility and cost of IVF in Siliguri including the LAH method. 


It is not always compulsory that the doctor will recommend you LAH if you’re undergoing IVF treatments. There are certain patient conditions that the doctor will evaluate along with the infertility history and medical record to refer you to an LAH. 

The main purpose of LAH is to create a crack in the outer shell of the embryo called zona pellucida. This process makes it easier for the embryo to hatch and implant in the uterus for a successful pregnancy. 

Who needs this treatment? 

  • The assisted hatching method serves the key purpose of supporting infertility patients who have suffered a failed IVF cycle more than once. There is a high chance of implantation failure behind the failed IVF cycle despite the transfer of a healthy embryo. 
  • LAH is also beneficial for patients with higher follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and more than 38 years of age. This is because in these situations the zona pellucida of the eggs is thick which makes it difficult to hatch. 
  • The doctor may also recommend an LAH if you are taking the help of frozen embryo transfer in the IVF cycle. The frozen embryos often have a hard zona pellucida that makes the implantation process tougher and hence, creating a crack will make the implantation process a success. 
  • Unexplained infertility is a condition when the doctor doesn’t know the exact cause behind the infertility. In such cases, the doctor may take the assistance of LAH to increase the chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy.  
  • Some other health conditions when the doctor may recommend an LAH are when you have an abnormal eggshell or slowing developing embryos. This process can also be advantageous for patients whose embryos undergo excessive fragmentation.


The LAH process starts after the egg is combined with sperm in the lab and the best embryo is selected for transferring it into the mother’s womb. The assisted hatching method usually takes place after 3 days of the fertilization done with the method of ICSI or IVF. 

After fertilization, the embryologist passes a strong light beam into the embryo while observing it under the microscope. This laser beam creates a small crack in the zona pellucida and then it is transferred to the womb for implantation. This is a highly effective method that provides enhanced control to the embryologist during the drilling process. 

If you have any queries related to the side effects or cost of IVF in Siliguri, then you can book an appointment with a reputed infertility specialist. The specialist will not only inform you about the IVF procedure but will also give you a brief description of the LAH if you need it. 

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